woman relaxing on sofa with cup of tea

Delete, delegate, defer, do

Way too much on your plate?

When our plates are so full that they spill over onto the table and onto the floor, it’s time to take stock.

Most of us aren’t able to simply decide to not do all the things on our multiple lists – we have jobs, bills to pay, mouths to feed and people to care for.   And, most of us feel overwhelmed at times (or even most times) by the number of things on our lists. So, what can we do? Simplify and organise. And the more brutal you are in culling the more freedom you’ll have!


What chores or things on your things-to-do list do you really need to do? What would happen if you simply deleted them from your list? 

What relationships cause you stress or always make you feel drained and miserable?  Can you move from them? Or can you reduce your interaction?


Who else can carry some of load that you are?  What can you handover to someone else, at home and at work?


Is it essential that everything happens now? Can you delay and defer to when you can put aside more time to do it?


Just do the thing.  Procrastination is when we delay doing an activity or task, or making a decision, usually by focusing on less important or urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead of what we need to be doing. We’ve all done, and will all do it again and again, it is matter of how much we procrastinate; a little is manageable but a lot isn’t. Procrastinating and faffing about just eats up more of your limited time, and you still haven’t done the thing!  It also makes you more tired as you end up worrying about when you can do it and there will be consequences for not doing it.

What do you want to do?  What really needs to be done?  Do the important and fun things first! 

What can you delete, delegate, defer or do now to get back some time and energy?

Check out the Rest Rescue Bundle for women to nourish your rest and create energy for a life you love.